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Wavecom W Code Digital Data Software Decoderl

Without a doubt, decoding digital signals at the software level has grown in recent years, easily supplanting the hardware decoders, since software packages can be updated and are generally free of hardware constraints. These packages run the gamut from free to the ultra-expensive - and often with the jump in price, you get more complete analysis tools, which may not necessarily be useful for someone starting out.

Wavecom W Code Digital Data Software Decoderl

  • We incorporate the W-Spectrum Analysis (W-SA) module into the W-SPECTRA application. With this tool we improve its signal analysis ability significantly: In the narrowband (96 kHz) spectrum display, signals are detected and marked with different color labels.

  • The detection results with all details (signal center, bandwidth, strength and those of the sub-signals) are displayed in the text output window and the "Remarks" field for capture into a database.

  • W-SA works also as a "Frequency Search" strategy. Similar to the classification strategy, it searches automatically through the whole frequency band, detects, displays and inserts all signals with their important parameters into a database.

  • All decoders (modes) in this version 4.0.0 match to the W-CODE 10.

  • The display bandwidth of W-SPEED V4.0.0 is extended to 30 MHz.

  • W-CODE 10 can be regarded as a "quantum-leap" release. This version includes mainly a new spectrum analysis and signal detection tool — W-Spectrum Analysis (SA). Main features of this analysis tool are: Detect and measure all signals in a selected bandwidth (4 kHz to 96 kHz).

  • Measuring parameters are signal center (Hz), bandwidth (Hz), level (dB) and detection confidence (in percent).

  • Each signal can be detected in detail containing a number of sub-signals with their parameters.

  • Available in FFT and FFT/Sonagram displays for all radio bands (HF, VUHF and SAT).

  • Detected signals and their sub-signals are marked with their parameters in the display.

  • All results are delivered on the XML remote control interface (XML RCI) for third-party development.

  • Detected signals can be saved with their time-stamp as an XML file for database compatible display and analysis.

  • This is a licensed option and is available for all our HW decoders and W-SPECTRA as well.

PACTOR-4 is an adaptive transmission mode that provides higher throuput and better communication reliability compared to Pactor-I, -II and -III modes. Pactor-4 mode completes the Pactor series in all Wavecom decoders: W-CODE, W-PCI, W-PCIe and W74PC. TETRAPOL is a digital voice and data communication system for mobile services and used for public safety and civilian PMR (Public Mobile Radio). It is running in VHF/UHF band. Other significant improvements and new features are:

We upgraded our LAN decoder systems W-PCIe-LAN and W-PCI-LAN. A spacious 1000 GB solid state disk (SSD) is built in as mass data storage device. This configuration enables our LAN decoder systems to record wideband signals as well &#x97 a must-have functionality in signal intelligence (SIGINT). Detail specification see brochures W-PCIe-LAN and W-PCI-LAN. Pending orders will be delivered with this data storage extension without surcharge. No price change in all valid offers. Already delivered Wavecom LAN decoder systems can be upgraded with this storage extension. Please write to to get a quotation.

We have launched a new decoder system in hardware and software — W74PC. W74PC offers four completely independent digital down converter (DDC) inputs at IF and AF level, ideally suited for connection to narrowband and broadband receivers and wideband down converters. W74PC has an in-card license and delivers a modern complete solution in classification, decoding and monitoring with various interfaces in hardware and software. No external USB license dongle is necessary anymore.

PC Software DecoderThe W-CODE is a new software decoder of the well known WAVECOM line of decoders.The W-CODE software is designed to work with your existing equipment -no proprietary hardware required. It allows seamless integration with SDR (Software Defined Radio) receivers with IQ data or digital audio outputs. One client license provided with each software package (Multiple licenses on request). W-CODE provides all functions required to analyze, decode and process radio data communications throughout the spectrum (HF, VHF, UHF, SHF).

These features allow the system to be adapted to the client's requirements and applications.The determination of signal characteristics is assisted by a large number of analysis and measurement functions operating over a wide range of signal parameters. The implementation of complex systems for monitoring on a large scale is only limited by the number of decoders and the performance of the hardware and software.The configuration of the system components can be completely adapted to the requirements of the customer.A W-CODE decoder may be controlled from everywhere in the network and its output may be sent to one or more applications on the network.In order to process the data output, control the decoder and the code parameters, ain integrated remote control interfac akllows easy control of the W-CODE from a customer applications.The easy-to-use user interface with well structured pull-down menus allows an operator to become familiar with the W-CODE in a short time. A high degree of operator proficiency can quickly be achieved. All of the integrated analysis tools contain many different methods and viewing options.It assists the operator in analyzing the important signal parameters. Exact measurements are easily made using adjustable cursors with associated numerical displays. Dynamic zoom functions allow magnification of details in any selected window. The scroll buffering feature makes it possible to move back and forward in signal history.Real-time FFT functions with a fast display refresh rate are implemented. Powerful functions provide the tools for analyzing unknown signals.A wide range of system default settings can be configured, e.g. input signal level, measuring interval, centre frequency and demodulator type.

For government agencies, and telecommunications authorities, the applications range from stationary monitoring of one transmission with a single system to fully automated broadband monitoring employing many systems.Decoded data can be imported from third-party applications running on the same or another computer in the network.Software generated time stamps may be automatically added to each line of decoded data to ensure precise backtracking of any signal 350c69d7ab

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